Sunday, March 30, 2008

How to Design a Monogram

Now that our last name choice is official, we wanted to get a monogram. This was no small feat, considering that most monograms are two small letters (representing the first names of the husband and wife) and one large one (representing the husband's, and now collective, last name). If we went that route we'd have four letters and that just seemed crowded. Then we thought about just a K and an H, but most places can't conceive of two letters, or want to make one a different size, or whatever. No pre-embroidered towels will work for us, that's for sure.

Thankfully, we have lots of talented friends, and one of them happens to be a designer. He did a beautiful job designing our equally-sized K and H. More than that, though, he put a lot of thought and love into it. The K, he says, reminds him of me because it looks like it's dancing. And he worked on the H so that it looks like the H is pulling the K toward it. That's appropriate b/c my FH had to patiently pursue me while I was dancing on my own... Now we're dancing together. So this design is perfect, lovingly conceived and perfect for us.