Sunday, May 25, 2008

How to Nest

Many pregnant women talk about the impulse to nest--you know, get a nursery ready, buy stuff for their new family, etc. I think perhaps some engaged couples have the same impulse, especially right before the wedding. My theory is that in general we feel so all over the place that it makes us feel better to buy or receive stuff that will go towards creating our first home. Or at least that's what I'm saying to make me feel better about how much fun we have accruing stuff.

My FH's former church in his hometown threw us a shower this weekend. It was overrun with very nice people I had never met, who all gave us lots of stuff. And we played the old standard game of making a wedding dress out of toilet paper, only this time the men were models.

I've also been thinking about how our pasts come in together. Obviously our current lives have meshed well, but we're still learning about each other before we met. This weekend was a good window into the history FH had before me. There's really a lot to this becoming one thing, and I quite like it.

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