Friday, November 23, 2007

How to Ask Kids to Be in Your Wedding

(From the FW)

When I was little, there was always someone younger and cuter than me running around, so I never got picked to be a flower girl. It's a little like how I imagine it would feel to be picked last for a playground team... although I never actually experienced that because I was homeschooled. Anyway, I digress. In college, I was a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding who made me an honorary flower girl in her wedding. It was all I ever hoped it would be.

When my sister got married in March, our 20 year old cousin was feeling left out because her brother was an usher and the other cousins were little and in the wedding. The ring bearer got sick a few days before the wedding so my sister decided to make her the ring bearer, and the three of us had a definite girl power geek-out moment about it. Unfortunately, the ring bearer made a miraculous recovery and she was demoted. We've got two little boys in our wedding so my grown-up cousin can't be our ring-bearer, but we're thinking maybe usher or candle-lighter or something.

My two little cousins were excited to be asked (especially since I buttered them up with a gift just before). The ring-bearer, however, explained that he would not be getting his tux from the same place, as it was too short in my sister's wedding and everyone could see his socks.

My FH's two little "cousins" were also excited. They adore him. And really want to be in a wedding. A few months after my fiance and I started dating, I met these kids and one of them asked if we were going to get married. As I had placed a six month ban on any sort of marriage talk, I made the situation pretty awkward by wiggling in my seat and looking away. It turns out she just wanted to be in a wedding, and that's all she cared about.

And by the way, my FH's dog will not be walking down the aisle, so no snarky comments about including her in the ceremony...

So if you've got ideas for the following, let me know:
1) Job for my 22 year old girl cousin
2) Something besides a pillow for the ring-bearer to carry
3) Something for the second boy to carry


APN said...

Let's see....

1) The 22-year-old girl cousin can accompany me on a date.

2) He can carry a china plate or a carved wooden platter of some sort.

3) He could bring up the preacher's Bible or something.

Just thoughts....

EKH said...

After seeing the doggy ringbearer, I am thinking that Morgan might look kind of cute with a pillow strapped to her back.

LKH said...

apn, i'll see what i can do about #1 (but it's not going to happen... i'll just pick out someone for you myself).

FH, we can have a reasonable discussion about that, after which you will agree that the answer is no.

APN said...

FW -- Fair enough. If you don't think that eventuality might come about, feel free to select someone for me. Though I do reserve the right to decline whomever you might select for me, I will accept all options and potentialities.

Anonymous said...

1) Your cousin can do a reading during the ceremony.

2) The boys could carry something that relates to your lives example: if you like fishing, put the rings in a small tackle box - use a momento like the ring box of your engagement ring - or a Big Mac box from McDonald's if it's your favorite place to eat or the place of your first date

3) Let each boy have one ring to carry (with matching "pillows" or whatever you choose)