Sunday, November 11, 2007

How to Homecome

So Homecoming is this really big deal in Texas. I remember in high school, girls would wear these outrageous mums (giant flowers) with yards of ribbon streaming from them along with assorted glittery accessories. This is further proof that Texas is like a foreign country. Anyway, when I got to college I realized that Homecoming is not just for high schoolers. Apparently Baylor thinks that Homecoming celebrations are worth spending an ungodly amount of money on too.

Well, I bought into the hype. I have been to every Baylor Homecoming since my freshman year, even if just for the football game (which is always atrocious). This year I got to bring my FW along for her first taste of the hoopla. Here is a brief list (with commentary) of all the major Baylor Homecoming events:

1.) Homecoming Extravaganza - a mini-carnival with reunion tents and a ferris wheel (yes, a ferris wheel)

2.) Bonfire - a Pep Rally minus the pep and plus the giant bonfire (this year's featured burning Texas Tech T's which really looked like burning crosses - classy)

3.) the most ginormous Homecoming parade on earth - This is a fact. Baylor's Greeks build elaborate floats to compete for cool prizes. (The average cost of this float is probably more than a year's tuition at Baylor and the prize is that about 20 people get really excited for a few minutes.)

4.) Last but not least, and I must credit my best friend for identifying this time honored Baylor tradition - losing - Homecoming culminates in an embarrassing football game where the alumni remember why they never went to the games as students

Well, my FW got to experience all the glory of Baylor. She was highly amused by most of it. Her favorite part was the Baylor Bookstore (which more closely resembles a department store now) where we witnessed a piano concerto (really it was just praise and worship music by a piano major) in the middle of the clothing section. We found it very entertaining in an unintentional comedic sort of way. It almost rivals the operatic singing of the Lord's Prayer at my last Homecoming Pep Rally.

I guess I could sum this all up by making some poignant statement about the course my life has taken and how my engagement puts a new perspective on everything, but that just wouldn't be my style. I really just couldn't think of anything to write about, and Baylor is an easy target.


APN said...

"...and Baylor is an easy target."

Hey! That's what the rest of the Big XII thinks as well!

Emily said...

Come on now....

EKH said...

It's okay. Basketball season is almost upon us, and we are no longer easy targets there. Plus, we dominate all other spring sports. Okay, I will stop flinging my green and gold for now.

APN said...

So, am I to now assume that Ms. Emily also dons the green-and-gold along with the FH?

And what are these Spring sports? Are you actually referring to track-and-field? Come on now....

**pokes and teases vociferously**

EKH said...

Spring sports - basketball, baseball, softball, tennis, track

I might mention that Baylor boasts two recent National Championships, several Big XII titles, and countless playoff appearances in these sports. Plus the last 3 Olympic gold medalists in 400 meters are all Baylor alums.

APN said...

**ducks his head at all the green & gold flying about the room, all willy-nilly**

But this is Texas! I thought that Football was the only sport that mattered!

**ducks his head again**

EKH said...

I can't argue with that.