Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How to Holiday (Part 2)

So my FW loves cheesy Christmas movies. She records every made for TV Christmas movie that comes on from Thanksgiving on. These movies are completely predictable, but that is part of their charm I guess.

Over the last few weeks, I have learned the basic plot lines of every successful cheesy Christmas movie. There is usually a love story that puts even the cheesiest romantic comedies to shame (for example, in the last one we watched, a thief falls in love with a cop- holiday hijinks ensue). There is often some sort of magical element because Christmas is a magical time of year (for example, in another one my FW recorded, a girl gets transported into a snow globe and falls in love- holiday hijinks ensue). Almost always someone who hates Christmas learns to love it (aka the Grinch plot). There is often a cute kid who wishes for something impossible or asks Santa for something immaterial (here is where the department store Santa tries to talk some sense into the kid without realizing that of course the real Santa has magic powers and the spirit of Christmas will in fact grant the kid his or her wish).

I must admit that I too am a sucker for these movies. I sat through one the other day where a kid asks for a new dad for Christmas- holiday dating hijinks ensue. On a related note, my FW introduced me to one of her favorite Christmas classics- Christmas in Connecticut. We also got to see the musical version of A Wonderful Life (my favorite Christmas movie) last week. It's amazing how much holiday entertainment there is out there.


APN said...

Well, there ya have it FH. The way that you can finally make some money with your degree in English -- write a predictable, yet tearfully endearing, holiday TV movie. Just make sure that your movie is chock full of holiday hijinks. It's the hijinks quota that makes or breaks those films.

Mitzi and Jerry said...

I love Christmas in CT! I brought it with me to South Asia.