Monday, December 3, 2007

How to Plan a Honeymoon

So honeymoons have been a part of wedding celebrations since the 1500's, and it is certainly something I am looking forward to. Trying to find the right spot can be a bit of a challenge. There are so many choices.

We set a couple of ground rules before we started looking for potential places. First, we wanted to stay within the United States. Mainly, we didn't want the stress of overseas travel, combined with an increased chance of getting sick. Second, we decided that we couldn't go anywhere touristy. We wanted to be able to spend the entire week without the pressure of sightseeing. This was another reason to stay in the U.S. because if we had gone to another country, we would have wanted to experience the culture and see the sights. Third, we wanted beaches because we both like them. Fourth, we wanted a place that wasn't going to be packed with people.

We ended up choosing a place that is a little bit off the beaten path, called Jekyll Island. You probably haven't even heard of it, which is one of the reasons we like it. It isn't overdone, and you all know how we like going against the grain. It has beaches, and it isn't overdeveloped. Most importantly, the room we booked is awesome. We don't really plan on leaving it much. I am now laughing as I picture the face you just made.

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